... [ sea salt ] 用海水晒成或熬成的盐,是主要的食用盐 [ spiced salt ] 把焙过的花椒和盐轧碎制成的调味品 [ refined salt ] 精制的盐 ...
Prawn with Spiced Salt 椒盐大虾球
Fried Ribs with Spiced Salt 椒盐排骨
Deep-Fried Shrimps with Spiced Salt 椒盐基围虾 ; 椒盐有头虾
Fried Crab with Spiced Salt 椒盐蟹
Fried Tofu with Spiced Salt 椒盐豆腐
Fried Pigeon with Spiced Salt 椒盐乳鸽
Rice, Sweet and sour streaky pork, Spiced salt potato, Thick bean curd soup with green vegetable, Apple.
The timeless tang of salt air and artists’ paints lingers, and has been spiced-up, in recent years by the arrival of several boutique hotels.
在这里,空气中弥漫着海水的咸味和艺术家颜料的味道。 而且近些年这里入驻了几个精品酒店,给这里的艺术气息添加了点缀。
Spiced melon seeds, salt, seeds, various fruit seeds.